VOLUME PIANO – intervista all’artista Mimmo Roselli 

8 luglio – 3 settembre  Open Air Museum Italo Bolano, Isola d’Elba  Intervista a Mimmo Roselli [serve un titolo all’articolo, pensiamoci]   Mimmo Roselli (Roma, 1952), artista internazionale che ha fatto dell’osservazione dello spazio un modo di ridisegnare il mondo che lo circonda, torna in Italia con la mostra Volume piano, a cura di Erica Romano, […]

The path of the School of Art and Music of the Bolivian Chaco

The School was founded in 2007 by the will of Father Tarcisio, a Franciscan of the Order of Friars Minor, in Bolivia since 1976 and the Tuscan visual artist, Mimmo Roselli, present in Bolivia annually, about two months a year, from 1985. I will refer only to the path of the musical part of the […]

A Project for an Hospital in Tuscany

The goal of the project is to be related to a new vision of the relationship between man and hospitals. Hospital structures are seldom realised with a correct, sensitive attention to the patients as human beings. More consideration, although still insufficient, is given to the staff. The target is the utmost technologic efficiency, often neglecting the human element.
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Visual Art in Hospitals

This volume comes out, almost entirely, of the International Symposium on ‘Art and Hospitals’, held in Florence from 26 to 28 March, 1998, and organised, following my proposal, by the Fondazione Michelucci, in collaboration with the Councillorships of Culture and Health of the Regione Toscana.
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Tor Vergata Policlinic

We are in the waiting room of the Emergency, Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome. The art intervention want to follow the guide of the medical intervention, that has to be “ linear, punctual, firm and rapid”, inside of my artistic behaviour that improve simplicity, beauty and complexity.
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