The changed millennium began to bring us some new ideas about a newborn attitude – behaviour in thinking, about the system of values and the beginning decline or better a subtle doubt about our economy and philosophical system of diary life take us to point out our mind.
The concept of “Solidarity” I think will be one of the most compelling idea for the future. “Solidarity” is the most incisive word to say: human being, energy saving, ecology, ideation, etc… and this important quality of the relationship between peoples we are debt to the afro-american and south-american native culture.
We need to take a new way to perceive the world: a more slight way, a more transparent way, a less aggressive way, with much more empty spaces, with more silence to listen a possible dialogue between ethic and aesthetic.
The community acts the expressed thinking, so with this project I want to involve one community in Brooklyn to restore the quality of a place.
The workshop and the work in progress will be carried out by a group of people of the community, all the ages represented from the children till the old people.
The group will work with me, first to make the choice and to decide to which place we want to give a special quality, second in which way we want to realize it, according to the budget that will not pass the 10.000 $ and then carrying out the project.
The time to realize all the process will be 3 weeks. The process will be filmed and will be realized a video documenting the work.
January, 2008