1952 Born in Rome .
1967-1972 Visiting and attending the studio of Vanni Cortecci, sculptor in Florence.
1974 First one-man show, Florence. This exhibition can be considered as the only one of the few experiences he had in that period.
1976 Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence.
1982-85 Attended the Scuola Libera del Nudo , Accademy of Fine Arts, Florence.
1985 He sojourned in Bolivia for the first time. Many other journeys will follow.
1984-88 Attended the Scuola Internazionale della Grafica, Venice.
1986 First one-man show as professional, Venice, Il Traghetto Gallery.
1988 Working with people, a group of young Guaranì in Ipitacito del Monte, Bolivia. “Ascensione, mural painting of m. 4.50 x 7.70 m
1991 Abandoned definitively his career as medical doctor, after 10 years attending both profession, he dedicate himself full time to art.
Studio in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He carried out his project of collective painting “Por uma favela”, in favela S.Marta, RJ, Brazil; mural painting of m. 2.00 x 19.5o + 1.00 x 17.50.
1992 Carried out his project of the collective painting “Flussi d’incontro” in a community of the old people, Villa Solaria, in Sesto F.no, Italy. The work was a mural painting of 3.30×6.50m.
1993 The hues, with the carved sign, became the only technical element in his painting.
1994 He carried out the project “Le stanze di Priamo” in the Municipal Palace in Monteciccardo, Italy. It was an installation done in copper, and mural paintings, set in different rooms.
He ideated “Artisti in viaggio”, international artists visiting in the studios, Bagno a Ripoli, Italy.
1995-99 He was working on a project concerning cosmogony theme.
1996 In this year he met a Danish artist Poul Gernes, with whom he discussed a project about a symposium on Art and Hospital.
He participated in the 4th International Congress of Educating Cities “Arts and Humanities as Agent for Social Change”. The theme he talked about was “Por uma favela” referred to his Brazilian experience (Chicago, September 1996).
First exhibition in Buenos Aires. He got in contact with the leading artists of the town : Guillermo Roux, Peres Sanz, Polesello, Zulema Maza, Benedict, Guillermo Kuitca, Juan Lecuona, Luis Felipe Noè and Matilde Marin.
1997 He proposed and organised the International symposium “Arte e Ospedale” which took place in Florence in Autumn 1998.
1999 Editor of the volume “Arte ed Ospedale/Visual Art in Hospitals”, published by Gli Ori.
Studio in New York, where he met Michael Goldberg, Robert Ryman, Taadaki Kuwaiama, Rakuko Naito, Lynn Umlauff, Helene Brandt, Julio Alpuy and Charles Hilnman, all of them artists.
Held a conference on the theme of “Visual Art in Hospital” at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in New York.
2000 Held a seminar at the JUNA (Istituto Universitario Nacional del Arte), in Buenos Aires, entitled “Arte: del centro a la perifèria”, and another conference on the theme of “Arte y Hospitales” at the Salòn Intersecretarias de la Legislatura de Buenos Aires.
2001 Held a seminar about his work and a conference on “Arte Visual y Hospitales”at the Museo Nacional de Arte, La Paz, Bolivia. Met the artists: Sol Mateo, Enrique Arnal, Gonzalo Rodriguez and Alfredo La Placa.
Carried out “Marchamos juntos hacia la tierra sin mal” , mural painting 1.5 m. x 4.50 m., Palmarito village,Guaranì People, Bolivia
2002 Carried out a painting sculpture “Terra Agricola” for the Open Air Museum “Arterra”, in Berndorf, Vienna.
“Heidelberger Round”, first sculpture-installation, Heidelberg Kunstverein.
2003 Carried out for Spazio Thetis, Venezia Arsenale, a permanent sculpture-installation “Round Thetis”.
2004 “The Flying Round”, a study to realize a flying sculpture.
2005 Carried out for Museum Arterra/Berndorf 7 big sculpture-installations “Un Km di linee di più”.
2007/2008 Give the start to a project for funding a School of Art in Bolivia, Chaco region.
2009 Recidency at Art OMI, NY.
2010 Travelling to Bolivia for the School of Art in Chaco Region, meetings, workshop etc
2011 The School of Art of Chaco Region/Bolivia in Italy: Chaco musicians at Festival Zipoli in Prato.
2012 Contribution to International Simposium “Il ruolo dell’arte e dell’ambiente nella cura dei pazienti in ospedale” with a conference about “Il Corpo e l’Arte” , Fondazione Bracco, Milano 30/11/2012, Sala Cenacolo, Museo della Scienza e Tecnologia “Leonardo da Vinci”
2014 Contribution to “Spaziare01” , conversations about landscape and around, with conference “Il paesaggio mio degli altri”, Castelnuovo Berardenga, 21-23 March
2015 Working as curator, to prepare Santa Rosa 2016 event in Bolivia
2016 Santa Rosa Event/Festival, Bolivia (www.santarosadecuevo.org):during the April 2016 month, coordinated by the international artist Mimmo Roselli, will be: international artists residency, working with pupils of the basic art school, rehearsals of Antigone, drama by J. Anouilh, with professional actors and no professional by S. Rosa Community, the orchestra rehearsals by Coro and Orchestra of the Art and Music School of Bolivian Chaco.The Event at the end of April with CONCERTS, CONTEMPORARY ART EXHIBITION, THEATER and MORE
2018 Santa Rosa Festival II Edition
2019 Santa Rosa Festival III Edition, in collaboration with Italian Embassy in La Paz
2020 Covid-19 Pandemia blocked any cultural activity. Many events are postponed